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Getting an AD 9850BRS Working
An AD 9850BRS is an IC that lets you create radio frequency waveforms. The output frequency is controlled by a serial connection. Phil bought a board that includes one and some control circuitry. It's labeled HC-SR08. We were eventually able to get it working.
Here's what it looks like:

We used an Arduino Due, which runs at 3.3V, but from looking at the data sheet for the chip, I think it should work on 5V Arduinos as well. We ended up using this Arduino library. We connected the following pins on the daughter board to the Arduino:
- W_CLK -> 7
- FQ_UD -> 8
- DATA -> 9
- RESET -> 10
- VCC -> 3.3V
- GND -> GND
We found the example code in that Github to be silly. This worked for us:
#include <AD9850.h>
const int W_CLK_PIN = 7;
const int FQ_UD_PIN = 8;
const int DATA_PIN = 9;
const int RESET_PIN = 10;
double freq = 4000000;
double trimFreq = 124999500;
int phase = 0;
void setup(){
DDS.setfreq(freq, phase);
void loop(){
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