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Haskell Ball Bounce
I've been learning a bit about Haskell. Here's something silly I wrote. It animates a ball bouncing in a box in a terminal window.
import Control.Concurrent
import System.Console.ANSI
main = animate $ map (printArena) (iterate stepArena arena)
ball = Ball 0 0 3 2
arena = Arena 99 51 ball
repeatn :: Char -> Int -> String
repeatn a n = take n (repeat a)
data Ball = Ball Int Int Int Int
data Arena = Arena Int Int Ball
printArena :: Arena -> String
printArena (Arena w h (Ball x y dx dy)) =
repeatn '-' (w+2) ++ "\n" ++ (printArenaRow w h (Ball x y dx dy))
printArenaRow :: Int -> Int -> Ball-> String
printArenaRow w 0 _=
repeatn '-' (w+2) ++ "\n"
printArenaRow w h (Ball x y dx dy)=
"|" ++ (repeatn ' ' (x)) ++ b ++ (repeatn ' ' (w-x-1)) ++ "|\n" ++ (printArenaRow w (h-1) (Ball x y dx dy))
b = if ((h-1) == y) then "o" else " "
stepArena :: Arena -> Arena
stepArena (Arena w h (Ball x y dx dy)) =
(Arena w h (Ball x' y' dx' dy'))
x' = max (min (x + dx) (w-1)) 0
y' = max (min (y + dy) (h-1)) 0
dx' = if ((x' == 0) || (x' == (w-1))) then -dx else dx
dy' = if ((y' == 0) || (y' == (h-1))) then -dy else dy
multiply :: (a -> a) -> Int -> (a -> a)
multiply f 0 = f
multiply f n = f.(multiply f (n-1))
animate :: [String] -> IO ()
animate [] =
putStr "done"
animate (a:as) =
putStr a
threadDelay 100000
animate as